Who are we?


Scouting Lord Baden-Powell is named after the founder of Scouting: Lord Robert Baden-Powell of Gilwell. For approximately 40 years, Scouting Lord Baden-Powell has been offering fantastic recreational activities for youth and children from the age of 5. The Scouting group is located in the southeastern part of Tilburg.

Scouting Lord Baden-Powell is part of the land scouts of Scouting Nederland. In addition to land scouts, there are also water scouts and air scouts.


Scouting stands for challenge! Scouting offers fun and exciting activities that challenge boys and girls to develop personally.


At Scouting, the personal development of children and young people is central. We provide youth members with engaging programs tailored to their age and skill level. This Scouting game aligns with the Scouting vision and can be summarized in the word “SCOUTS.” For this reason, it is not possible to casually participate in Scouting activities, and commitment to the group is essential. This commitment is reflected in membership, wearing the Scoutfit, the Scout Law and Promise during installation, and the weekly meetings.

Scouting Vision:

  • S – TOGETHER, we joyfully step into the world, which connects us with one another.
  • C – CODE and tradition are our foundation; the law and promise are our values.
  • O – OUTDOOR symbolizes adventure, a journey of discovery in nature.
  • U – We seek CHALLENGES in everything to grow into independent scouts.
  • T – TEAM spirit brings out the best in us, and we take pride in one another.
  • S – GAME and creativity help us utilize the diverse talents of scouts.

To translate this vision into a stimulating, diverse, and varied program, we focus on eight activity areas: Challenging Scouting Techniques, Expression, Sports & Games, Outdoor Living, Identity, International, Society, and Safety & Health. Each activity area comprises a collection of thematically related activities. For each age group (speltak), the activity areas are the same, but the program is adjusted to suit the specific age group.

Scouting Lord Baden-Powell is not affiliated with any political, religious, or social organization. The association is open to everyone!

Organization of Scouting Lord Baden-Powell

Scouting is structured into different age groups, called speltakken. Scouting Lord Baden-Powell, also known as Scouting LBP, has the following speltakken: Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Rover Scouts, Plus Scouts, and Scouts with disabilities. Each speltak has its own leaders responsible for the daily operations and activity organization. The leaders form the group council, led by a group board, which manages the specific affairs related to running the speltakken and organizing joint activities.

In addition, the group has a management foundation responsible for maintaining the Paxtu clubhouse and materials.

Scouting LBP, together with many other groups, is part of the Regio Hart van Brabant. The region supports groups with program advice, the Scouting Academy (training and courses for leaders), lending materials, and organizing annual regional events. All regions together form Scouting Nederland.

Safe Play Environment

Playing in a safe environment is crucial at Scouting. Children and young people must be able to develop in a challenging environment by playing the Scouting game. Leaders and other volunteers at Scouting LBP all possess a Certificate of Conduct (Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag). We aim to qualify all leaders by offering various training opportunities. Additionally, each speltak has at least one leader with basic first aid training. We also have agreements regarding the use of safety vests during hikes and bike trips.